Throw Caution Out and Design a Bold Interior Painting Color Scheme

For years, interior decorators have been daring you to break away from “safe” interior painting palettes and experiment with bold hues instead. Now that the current styles are trending even further away from stark white walls, here is a simple method that will help you let go of your inhibitions and plan a vivid color scheme for any room in your house.
Target the Inspiration
The chances are that the room you wish to paint already has a decorative element in it that you love, such as a favorite photograph, a colorful piece of artwork or a handmade afghan. As you look for your focal point for the paint palette, try to select an item with three colors or more in the overall scheme. Even if your inspiration piece incorporates hues that aren’t high on your favorites list, consider trying them anyway. You might be pleasantly surprised with the results.
Fine-Tune the Palette
When choosing your palette, the standard concept is to use the dominant color from your source material for about two-thirds of the room. If it’s too dark, you can always select a lighter shade of the same hue. Next, take two other colors from your material: ideally, one that complements the primary color and one that contrasts for a visual pop. Remember that you can choose different shades for a combination of light, medium and dark.
Mess Up Classic Concepts
If you want to stick to classic design concepts, use a medium shade of the dominant color for your interior painting, a lighter shade of the complementary color for molding and trim, and a dark or bright shade of the contrasting hue for accent pieces such as throw pillows. Yet, why not leave tradition behind and experiment with vivid splashes of color on the trim and a deep, intense shade on the wall?
Paint isn’t permanent. If you’re not perfectly happy with the results, it’s so easy to have your painters redo your interiors with a modified scheme. See your imagination unfold in stunning color with the expertise and skill offered by your local interior painting service.